Monday, December 30, 2013

Ladybug craft

As it is a long holiday for my little one, thought of doing few crafts with him. I was looking for fun activities for boys and came across this ladybug craft. It was very simple and I have all the ingredients oops I have almost all the things I needed to make it.

- Few bottle caps
- Red, black, white paint and brush
- News paper or waste paper

We spread the news paper to avoid the messy floor. If you could collect cooldrinks cap that would be perfect too, but we just went to Mumbai to see elephanta caves so we came back with whole bunch of water bottles. I was having around 4 caps. He painted the cap and made this little fellow. He loved it. It is not perfect but not bad too :p. And we spent a good amount of time around an hour as he did most (!! I should say all of it except few tiny ideas of how to do from me) of the things like collecting the caps, paint, coloring, cleaning up the brush after we are done :) so that cutdown the TV time. Next time I should remember not to throw the bottle caps and cooldrink caps it can be useful to make fun little crafts.

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